Throughout the school year a variety of liturgies are held in relationship with the Church Seasons, special feast days and celebrations: Mother’s Day / Father’s Day / NAIDOC Week / Mission Week / Mary McKillop Feast Day / Grandparent’s Day / Catholic Schools Week Liturgy.

Class Liturgies and Whole School Masses are timetabled as well as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day Services. Liturgies where possible are timetabled at 12.30 pm on a Friday. All classes attend Parish Mass on a Friday once a term.

Parents and friends are always encouraged to attend these celebration Liturgies and / or Masses. Specific dates/times are included in the Holy Name Herald, Schoolzine App or through invitations issued by a particular class/REC.

The children are actively involved in class, whole school and weekend Liturgies and Masses, through prayer, song and instrumentals, reading The Word and altar serving. Year 4, 5 and 6 children are encouraged to become altar servers to serve on weekends and School Class Masses. The relationship between School and Parish is vibrant and enthusiastic.
